2️⃣Integration Testing

A typical software project consists of multiple software modules, coded by different programmers. The purpose of this level of testing is to expose defects in the interaction between these software modules.

✅ What is Integration Testing?

Integration testing 🧪 involves testing combinations of integrated software components or units👥 to determine if they function correctly together as a whole.

The goal is to expose defects in the interfaces and interactions between integrated units.

👀 It verifies:

  • Functional 🤖and non-functional behavior👌

  • Components call 📞 and access each other's methods😎

  • Data is passed between them accurately ✅

  • Exceptions are handled properly 🙅‍♀️

✅ Why conduct Integration Testing?

🔑 To find defects in interactions between integrated units:

👉 Unit testing ensures individual components work correctly in isolation

👉 Integration testing ensures they work together as designed

🧿 To verify interfaces between components:

👉 Integration testing focuses on interfaces and interactions

👉 It exposes issues in how units call and pass data to each other

✅ Advantages of Integration Testing

📈 Finds defects earlier

• Integration issues are detected before system testing

👌 Ensures units work together

• In unit testing, units are tested individually

• Integration testing verifies they integrate properly

📊 Detects regression errors

• Regressions often occur at integration points

✅ Disadvantages of Integration Testing

🕛 Time consuming

• Large number of component combinations

🛠 Hard to isolate errors

• Defects may originate from multiple units

💰 Expensive

• Requires integrated environments and resources

In summary, while integration testing adds time and cost, it helps ensure that:

💻 Components interact correctly

👥 Units function together as designed

⚙ Systems integrate without issues

💼 Sample Test Case

Test Case IDTest CaseStepsExpected ResultActual ResultStatus


Login feature integration

1. Enter valid username

  1. User should be directed to password screen


2. Enter valid password

2. User should be directed to home screen

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