
📚 Log4j in Selenium

Log4j is a popular logging framework used in Selenium.

🔎 Logging in Selenium

  • Logs provide visibility into test execution.

  • Help debug failures and issues.

  • Log4j is integrated with Selenium binding.

🪵 Log4j Architecture

  • 📜 Loggers - Capture log statements from code

  • 🗒️ Appenders - Publish logs to destinations like file, console etc.

  • 🔧 Layouts - Formats logging output

  • 📊 Levels - Specify logging granularity like INFO, DEBUG etc.

👍 Benefits

  • 💡 Debugging capabilities

  • 📊 Granular control of logging

  • 🔁 Asynchronous logging

  • 📁 Log to multiple destinations

📃 Log4j Example for CNBC

//Set up logger
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(CNBCLoginTest.class);

public void testValidLogin() {

  log.info("Navigating to CNBC login page"); //Simple log statement

  //Log variable data
  log.debug("Input username: " + username);  

  //Log exceptions
  try {
  } catch(Exception e) {
    log.error("Login failed!", e); 

  //Check if logged in
  log.info("Login successful.");


This shows how Log4j can be used for logging in Selenium tests for CNBC.

Last updated