
Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes to your code over time. It is a distributed system, meaning that each developer has a copy of the code and can make changes to it independently. This makes it easy to collaborate on projects with other developers, as you can all work on the same code at the same time without having to worry about overwriting each other's changes.

There are many benefits to using Git, including:

  • Version control: Git allows you to track changes to your code over time, so you can always go back to a previous version if necessary. This is essential for debugging and troubleshooting, as it allows you to see what changes were made and when they were made.

  • Collaboration: Git is a distributed system, meaning that each developer has a copy of the code and can make changes to it independently. This makes it easy to collaborate on projects with other developers, as you can all work on the same code at the same time without having to worry about overwriting each other's changes.

  • Refactoring: Git can be used to refactor code, which is the process of changing the structure of your code without changing its functionality. This can be useful for improving the readability and maintainability of your code.

  • Automated testing: Git can be used to automate testing, which is the process of verifying that your code is working correctly. This can help you catch bugs early in the development process, before they cause problems in production.

Why QA need to know Git

Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes to your code over time. It is a distributed system, meaning that each developer has a copy of the code and can make changes to it independently. This makes it easy to collaborate on projects with other developers, as you can all work on the same code at the same time without having to worry about overwriting each other's changes.

QA professionals need to know Git because it is an essential tool for software development. It allows them to track changes to code, collaborate with other developers, refactor code, and automate testing.

  • Tracking changes to code: Git allows QA professionals to track changes to code over time, so they can always go back to a previous version if necessary. This is essential for debugging and troubleshooting, as it allows QA professionals to see what changes were made and when they were made.

  • Collaborating with other developers: Git is a distributed system, meaning that each developer has a copy of the code and can make changes to it independently. This makes it easy for QA professionals to collaborate with other developers, as they can all work on the same code at the same time without having to worry about overwriting each other's changes.

  • Refactoring code: Git can be used to refactor code, which is the process of changing the structure of your code without changing its functionality. This can be useful for improving the readability and maintainability of your code.

  • Automating testing: Git can be used to automate testing, which is the process of verifying that your code is working correctly. This can help QA professionals catch bugs early in the development process, before they cause problems in production.

Types of Testing Enabled by Git:

  • Unit Testing: Developers can run unit tests locally before committing code to Git. This ensures high code quality within each commit.

  • Continuous Integration: Tests can be run automatically on each Git commit through an CI service like Jenkins. This gives quick feedback on new failures.

  • Regression Testing: Full test suites can be run on each Git push to the remote repository to detect any regressions.

  • Pull Request Testing: Git's pull requests allow running tests before code is merged to the main branch. This acts as a gatekeeper for production code.

Impact on QA Culture:

  • Atomic Commits: Git encourages small, focused commits that can be validated independently. This makes it easier to isolate issues.

  • Increased Testability: Making small, cohesive changes encourages developers to write testable code.

  • Easy Code Review: Pull requests allow all changes to be reviewed easily before merging to main. This acts as another quality check.

  • Traceability: Git provides a history of all changes. This makes it easy to trace issues back to their origins.

  • Increased Collaboration: Git allows multiple developers to work independently yet collaboratively. This improves communication and transparency.

  • Higher Code Quality: By testing every commit and pull request, teams are more confident in the high quality of their production code.

In summary, Git enables an "every change is a release" mentality where testing occurs continuously at the smallest change level. This helps catch issues early, improves code quality and traceability, and fosters a collaborative, test-first culture in Agile teams.

Last updated