Interview Questions

When does testing begin?

👩‍💻 Testing effectively begins right from the requirements phase:

  • Reviewing requirements for clarity, completeness, consistency, and testability

  • Identifying risks, assumptions, and constraints

  • Questioning requirements to ensure a shared understanding

  • Reviewing use cases and scenarios

  • Providing input to drive better product design

💬 Interviewer: What about the design phase?

👩‍💻 During design:

  • Technical specifications and designs are reviewed

  • Walkthroughs and inspections are conducted to identify issues

  • Test planning starts in earnest

💬 Interviewer: And during development?

👩‍💻 As coding begins:

  • Unit testing is performed by developers

  • Integration testing combines and tests components

  • More formal testing activities ramp up

💬 Interviewer: So testing spans the entire lifecycle?

👩‍💻 Yes! While formal testing efforts increase later on, a large portion of defects is actually found and fixed during the initial phases through tasks like reviewing, questioning, and walkthroughs.

Early testing helps ensure the development team is "building the right thing" while later testing ensures they are "building it right".

But catching issues as early as possible is always the goal!

🔍 Which mistakes do testers tend to do?

👉 Failure to communicate: One of the most common mistakes that testers make is a failure to communicate effectively with other members of the project team. 💬 This can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and defects that are not discovered until later in the development process.

👉 Being afraid of asking questions: Testers may be afraid to ask questions, which can result in misunderstandings about the scope and requirements of the project. 🤔 This can lead to inefficient testing and defects that are not discovered until later in the development process.

👉 Beginning testing before understanding the scope and requirements: Testers may begin testing before they fully understand the scope and requirements of the project. 🚀 This can lead to inefficient testing and defects that are not discovered until later in the development process.

👉 Writing poor defect reports: Testers may write poor defect reports, which can lead to misunderstandings about the nature of the defect and how to reproduce it. 📝 This can result in delays in fixing defects and inefficiencies in the testing process.

👉 Missing some requirements while writing test cases: Testers may miss some requirements while writing test cases, which can result in inefficient testing and defects that are not discovered until later in the development process. 📝 This can also lead to misunderstandings about the scope and requirements of the project.

👉 Not having any type of planning: Testers may not have any type of planning, which can lead to inefficient testing and defects that are not discovered until later in the development process. 📅 Planning is important to ensure that testing is performed efficiently and effectively.

👉 False positive & False negative: Testers may also make the mistake of reporting false positives or false negatives. 🚫 A false positive is when a test incorrectly identifies a defect, while a false negative is when a test fails to identify a defect. Both can lead to inefficient testing and delays in fixing defects.

When to stop testing? (Or) How do you decide when you have tested enough?

  1. Requirement coverage reaches a specified point

  2. Testing deadlines or release deadlines

  3. When the complete testing budget is exhausted

  4. By reaching the decided pass percentage of test cases

  5. The risk in the project is under an acceptable limit

  6. All the high priority bugs, blockers are fixed

  7. When acceptance criteria is met

  8. After the Alpha and Beta testing period ends

  9. Depends on Management decision

Last updated