
What are Delimiters? 🤔

Delimiters are characters that separate distinct sections of data in strings. They act like boundaries between different pieces of information.

Common String Delimiters in Java ⭐️

Some delimiters commonly used with Java strings include:

Comma (,) - Used for CSV values or lists

Semicolon (;) - Standard delimiter between elements in Java strings

Pipe (|) - Useful alternative if strings contain commas

Space - Simple delimiter between words or sections

Tab () - Delimits columns or fields, like in CSV

Newline () - Separates lines of text

Why Use Delimiters? 💡

  • Allows splitting string into substrings base on location of delimiters

  • Helps Java identify separate units of data within a string

  • Choosing the right delimiter depends on the string structure

Examples of Using Delimiters 🔍

  • String data = "Apple,Banana,Orange";

  • String[] fruits = data.split(",");

  • System.out.println(fruits[1]); // Prints "Banana"

  • Delimiter helps split string into array of fruits

So in summary, delimiters are handy for segmenting string data into distinct parts for processing!

Escape Sequences

Escape sequences are special characters that are used in programs to represent "unprintable" characters such as tabs or newlines. These sequences are preceded by a backslash () character to escape the normal interpretation of those characters. Here are some commonly used escape sequences:

Tab (\t)

To print a tab, we use the escape sequence . Without the backslash character, the letter "t" would be printed instead. For example:



Hello   World

Newline (\n)

To print a newline, we use the escape sequence . This moves the cursor to the next line. For example:




Backslash (\)

If we want to print a backslash character itself, we use the escape sequence \\. This prevents the backslash from being interpreted as an escape character. For example:




Double Quotes (")

When we want to print double quotes within a string, we use the escape sequence \" to prevent it from ending the string. For example:

System.out.println("I am 5'9\" tall");


I am 5'9" tall

Escape sequences are useful when we need to include special characters in our output that would otherwise have a different meaning. By using these escape sequences, we can control the formatting and appearance of our output in a more precise way.

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