Interview Questions

Let's say you an n number of test cases and you're executing the test case on the application. How will you ensure you tested all the scenarios in an application?

1. Create a test plan.

The first step is to create a test plan that defines the scope of the testing. This will help you to ensure that all of the important scenarios are covered. The test plan should include the following information:

  • The purpose of the testing

  • The scope of the testing

  • The test cases that will be executed

  • The expected results

  • The resources that will be needed

2. Use a variety of testing techniques.

There are many different types of testing techniques, such as functional testing, performance testing, and security testing. Using a variety of techniques will help you to ensure that all of the different aspects of the application are tested.

3. Consider the different user types.

The application will be used by different types of users, such as administrators, customers, and partners. You need to consider the different user types when creating the test cases. For example, an administrator may need to be able to perform different tasks than a customer.

4. Test the application in different environments.

The application will be used in different environments, such as a development environment, a staging environment, and a production environment. You need to test the application in all of the different environments to ensure that it works correctly in all of them.

5. Use automation.

Automating the testing process can help you to save time and resources. However, you should not automate all of the tests. Some tests, such as exploratory testing, are better suited for manual testing.

6. Re-test the application after changes are made.

When changes are made to the application, you need to re-test the application to ensure that the changes did not introduce any new defects.

7. Use a defect tracking system.

A defect tracking system can help you to track the defects that are found during testing. This will help you to ensure that the defects are fixed in a timely manner.

8. Review the test results.

After the tests have been executed, you need to review the test results to ensure that all of the scenarios were tested in depth. This will help you to identify any gaps in the testing coverage.

9. Communicate the test results.

The test results need to be communicated to the stakeholders so that they can take appropriate action. The stakeholders may include the developers, the testers, and the business users.

10. Continuously improve the testing process.

The testing process should be continuously improved. This can be done by reviewing the test results, identifying the gaps in the testing coverage, and making changes to the test plan.

By following these tips, you can ensure that all scenarios in an application are tested in depth, even if you have a large number of test cases.

🔍 What is the test plan? And what is the information that should be covered in it?

👉 Test plan: A test plan is a document that describes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended test activities. 📝 The purpose of the test plan is to provide a roadmap for testing that ensures that all aspects of the software are tested appropriately. The test plan includes information such as the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, the degree of tester independence, the test environment, the test design techniques, entry and exit criteria to be used, the rationale for their choice, and any risks requiring contingency planning. It is a record of the test planning process.

👉 Master Test Plan: A master test plan is a test plan that typically addresses multiple test levels. 🌟 The master test plan provides an overview of the entire testing effort and identifies the testing tasks, objectives, and schedules for each level of testing. The purpose of the master test plan is to provide a high-level view of the testing effort and to ensure that all components of the system are tested appropriately.

👉 Phase Test Plan: A phase test plan is a test plan that typically addresses one test phase. 📅 The phase test plan provides detailed information on the testing tasks, objectives, and schedules for a specific phase of testing. The purpose of the phase test plan is to ensure that all testing is completed within the specified phase and that all objectives are achieved.

🤔 What is the purpose of the test plan?

The purpose of the test plan is to provide a roadmap for testing that ensures that all aspects of the software are tested appropriately. 🗺️ The test plan includes information such as the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, the degree of tester independence, the test environment, the test design techniques, entry and exit criteria to be used, the rationale for their choice, and any risks requiring contingency planning. The test plan is a record of the test planning process and is updated as the project and test planning progress. Test planning is a continuous activity and is performed throughout the product's lifecycle.

What is the difference between test case and test scenario?

🔍 Test scenario: A test scenario is any functionality or feature in the software that can be tested. It is also called a Test Condition or Test Possibility. For example, testing the login functionality is a test scenario. 🚪

📝 Test case: A test case is a document that describes the step-by-step process of how to test the application. It contains test steps, test data, preconditions, and post-conditions developed for a specific test scenario to verify any requirement. For example, testing the login functionality with a valid username and password is a test case. 🔍🔑

🤝 It's important to note that a test scenario can be tested with more than one test case. By defining test scenarios and test cases, software testing can be structured and systematic, ensuring that all aspects of the software are thoroughly tested to meet the requirements and quality standards. 🚀

What is test data?

Test data refers to the input values used when executing test cases. Test data represents the data that will be processed by the system under test.

Why do we need test data?

Test data allows our test cases to actually run and exercise the functionality of the system. Without test data, we cannot properly test the system's behavior for different scenarios and input conditions.

How is test data created?

Test data can be created in two main ways:

Manually - Testers generate test data based on requirements, edge cases, and their experience.

Automatically - Tools can generate random or parameterized test data programmatically.

Most test strategies use a combination of both approaches.

What are the different types of test data?

There are several types:

👍 Valid test data - Data that satisfies requirements and exercises correct functionality.

👎 Invalid test data - Data that does not meet requirements to test error handling.

⚖️ Boundary value data - Data that covers boundaries and edge cases.

⏱️ Stress test data - Large data sets used for load and stress testing.

Why is using different types of test data important?

Using a variety of valid, invalid, boundary, and large data sets helps ensure our tests realistically exercise all possible functionality and edge cases. This reveals different types of issues and allows a more comprehensive evaluation of the system's behavior.

Well-designed test data that covers the full range of conditions is key to executing effective, meaningful tests. Test data represents the "fuel" that powers comprehensive testing of a system's functionality.

🙋‍♂️ What are some best practices for test cases?

✔️ Prioritize based on risk 📈and business impact.

✔️ Focus on functionality with the highest chance of failure ❌or that impacts the most users.⛔

✔️Keep test cases 📜simple, short, and concise. Use tables and bullet points.

✔️Choose descriptive 📝names for test cases that are self-explanatory.

✔️Cover 💯% of functionality ⚙️ and workflows, but start with critical paths 📈.

✔️Update test cases 📝frequently as the application changes.

✔️Account for different 🖥 devices, browsers 💻 and environments 📱.

✔️ Assign test cases to testers based on their expertise and experience.

✔️ Establish a 📆 timeline for retesting test cases to ensure they're still valid.

✔️Document assumptions made and steps not covered 📝.

✔️Test consistently through all test cycles to identify regression ⬅️ issues.

So in summary, focus test cases on ❌risk, functionality impact, and coverage❗, keep them concise and easy to follow❗, update them frequently❗, account for variability❗ and test consistently❗ to catch regressions ⬅️.

Do you maintain any criteria or checklist?

Test Plan Checklist:

  • Scope and objectives clearly defined

  • Roles and responsibilities assigned

  • Test environment and data requirements outlined

  • Timeline and milestones included

  • Test scenarios, priorities and entrance/exit criteria detailed

  • Approval from stakeholders obtained

Test Case Checklist:

  • Unique ID and test case name

  • Prerequisites, test data, and steps documented

  • Expected results defined

  • Traceability to requirements and test basis established

  • Reviewed by developer to confirm testability

Test Execution Checklist:

  • Test environment meets requirements

  • Test data is prepared

  • Tests executed as per plan (no deviations)

  • All steps are completed and documented

  • Defects logged, with steps to reproduce

  • Status, results and metrics updated

Test Closure Checklist:

  • Planned test cases executed or exceptions documented

  • Defects are either fixed or tracked through resolution process

  • Test results analyzed and summary report created

  • Metrics align with exit criteria

  • Lessons learned captured for continuous improvement

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