
What are Strings in Java?

In Java, a string is a type of variable that is used to store a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. Strings are used to represent text and are a fundamental part of many Java programs.

📜 Rules for Strings in Java 📜

Strings represent sequences of characters in Java. There are some key rules and facts to keep in mind when working with Strings.

💬 String Object Rules 💬

  • Strings are immutable - their values cannot be changed after creation

  • Strings have a set of useful methods like length(), charAt(), etc.

  • Strings should be compared using equals() not ==

  • Concatenation is done with + operator or concat() method

For example:

String message = "Hello";
message.concat(" World!"); // doesn't modify message

String newMessage = message + " World!";

📝 String Literal Rules 📝

Some rules for String literals are:

  • Created by surrounding characters with double quotes

  • Two literal Strings with same characters refer to same object

  • Literal strings are stored in string pool in Java memory

  • Should be avoided in loops due to repeated object creation

For example:

String text = "Hello";
String anotherText = "Hello"; // Refers to same "Hello" object

🪢 Escape Sequences 🪢

  • Use backslash \ to encode special characters

  • for new line, for tab, \" for double quote etc.

  • Unicode escapes like \uFFFF can encode any character

For example:

String message = "Hello\nWorld"; // newline
String unicode = "\u263A"; // smiley face

So these rules help in efficiently and correctly handling Strings in Java.

How are Strings used in Java?

Strings are used in Java to perform many different tasks, such as:

  • Storing and manipulating text

  • Printing text to the console

  • Reading and writing text files

  • Communicating with databases and web services

How are Strings stored in Java?

In Java, strings are stored as objects, which means that they have properties and methods that can be used to manipulate them. When you create a string in Java, it is stored in memory as an object with its own unique properties and methods.

How do you use Strings in Java?

To use strings in Java, you first need to create a string variable and assign a value to it. For example, you can create a string variable called "name" and assign it the value "John":

String name = "Abc";

Once you have created a string variable, you can use it in your program to perform tasks such as printing text to the console or reading text from a file.

Why are Strings immutable (unchangeable) in Java? 🤔

Answer: Strings are immutable in Java for several reasons: 🙋‍♂️

Security 🛡

  • If Strings were mutable, this could lead to security issues. For example, malicious code could potentially modify String variables and manipulate data.

Synchronization 👐

  • Since Strings are immutable and cannot be changed, two threads can share String references without synchronization issues. String pooling also works because Strings don't change.

Memory optimization 💡

  • Since String objects are immutable, they can be placed in a string constant pool. This saves memory since multiple objects with the same value can refer to the same object in the pool.

String operations become easy👌

  • Immutability makes string operations like copying, comparing, etc very easy since we are actually working with the character array inside the String.

That's why whenever we perform operations that appear to modify a String, a new String object is actually created. For example:

String s = "Hello";
System.out.println(s); // Prints Hello

Here s.concat("World") returns a new String "HelloWorld", it doesn't modify s. So in summary, immutability brings security, performance, and easier implementation of String operations in Java.

Last updated